Limited Time Training:

ICF Coaches & Coaches in Training

How ICF Coaches Go From "I Don't Want to Seem Pushy" to Confidently Closing High-Ticket Clients

(Even If Sales Conversations Make You Nervous...)

(This is where the curiosity hook goes if you want a shout out specifically)

Get ready to:

  • Lean the exact 5-step framework I used to go from discounting my rates to consistently enrolling high-ticket clients.... (It's called the 5 Steps to Choice Sales Call Framework, and it's part of my ICF-accredited program)

  • Discover why long discovery sessions are actually hurting your enrollment rates (and what to do instead that feels more authentic)

  • See how to structure a 45-minute conversation that naturally leads to a yes... without ever feeling pushy

  • Why it's vital to sell your coaching BEFORE graduating coach training

And so much more. . .

February 19 @ 12:00 PM Eastern

*Free gift avaliable immediatly!

Attend and get 27 Canva Templates ($197 value)

to showcase your work.

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Michelle Rockwood, ACC

Unscripted Sales

As the bestselling author of Joyful Selling, Founder of Unscripted Sales and International speaker on ICF Core Competencies & Sales, I'm thrilled to be able to share this knowledge with you in this powerful training. Offering 16 CCE credit sales course, ask for more info.